The Local Authority and Elective Home Education

Congratulations on Joining the Home Educating Community

Once you have deregistered, it is highly likely that the LA will be in contact.

This page aims to help you navigate contact, communications and relations with your Local Authority.

Please always check local information and law, specific to your country of residence.

First Contact with Your Local Authority

Writing an Educational Philosophy

An Educational Philosophy can be part of a report and is useful for providing a context for your educational provision: An Educational Philosophy does not replace a report.

An educational philosophy allows you to define your broad educational goals and how they will be achieved. It means that you are actively defining what Section 7 means to your family.

Ed Phil could include:

  • What you think education is for.
  • How you think education should be implemented.
  • Who is involved in the education of your child.

Writing an Educational Report

Quick Tips

  • Write a report for each separate child so that it is a personalised reflection of your child’s educational journey.
  • Introduce your child, outline any (SEN) needs.
  • Be sure to specify the submission date.
  • Samples of work (intellectual property) are not necessary.
  • A report is not a statement of intent or outline of future intentions.
  • Include your educational provision.
  • Include an outline of progression and any specific achievements
  • To have it proof read before sending the report.

If you are answering a notice to satisfy under s 437 of the Education Act 1996, or are writing a report for a child with an SEN statement or EHC Plan, you will need to include more detail and answer any specific concerns raised.

Educational Provision:

  • Outline the educational opportunities that are available to your child, this could include resources available within the home, outings, classes, social groups and more.
  • Give an overview of activities, events, and interests that your child has been involved in since the previous report. Include examples of the learning that has taken place.
  • Include specific details on literacy, numeracy, physical education, and socialisation.
  • If your child has SEN, you must supply examples of how these needs are being catered for and met within the education provided.

Progression and Achievements:

  • It is important to explicitly mention progression since your last report.
  • Include specific details on literacy and numeracy.
  • List any achievements or certificates gained.

You can find further advice on contact with your LA, details on how to respond to excessive contact, and further information on the law, as it pertains to Elective Home Education, via the links below.

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My name is Heidi and I have been Unschooling since 2012 when my eldest officially became Compulsory School Age. I have four children who have never been to school, never taken an academic test, or pop quiz, and are happy living and learning as they go Read more

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