live. play. learn

The Unschooling Village Hub is for families embracing a beautiful spacious life of uninhibited learning

Everything you need for your unschooling journey is here.

Access our free resources, helping you to get started, keep going and thrive


What is Unschooling?

What if it was possible to live and learn without school?

To empower your children to be confident in their own ability to learn and to do it in ways that make sense to them.

To move away from the challenges of the school system, peer pressure and unmet needs and give them autonomy, space and options that are suited to your unique child.

To watch your children flourish by nurturing their natural abilities and interests.

What if it was possible to learn in a way that embraced who your child is?

We provide support to unschooling families at every step of the journey. Whether you are here to find out more, to get ideas or to connect with others on the same adventure, we’ve got you.


Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.



Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.



Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

Want to hear from families living this life right now?


Listen to Live. Play. Learn Podcast today and imagine the possibilities.